Dear Lubomír

Společenská hrozba, nebo nedostatek solidarity?      

In Process, Without Prospects

Thank You For Ruling us

Poděkování našim milým miliardářům

Jirko, takhle to není!

Getting Rid of Leisure Time

Litany of Precariat (book)

In the Lion’s Shadow

Art Practice and Other Activities

Proč se nedívám z okna (ve spolupráci s Tomášem Uhnákem)

Hřiště, Dokumenty volného času, nehonorované práce, rekreace a lenosti

Prázdná gesta (blog Confrontational Reading)

Emancipace a katarze?

Montage No.7 (blog Confrontational Reading)

Montage No.6 (blog Confrontational Reading)

Předzvěst č.6 (blog Confrontational Reading)

Performance, paralelní historie, konfrontační čtení (blog Confrontational Reading)

Text 13 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Předzvěst č.4 (blog Third Family of Objects)

12. text (blog Third Family of Objects)

Text 10 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Předzvěst č.2 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Text 7 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Text 5 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Text 3 (blog Third Family of Objects)

Introduction (blog Third Family of Objects)

Foreign Bodies

One Family of Objects (book)

Accidental Archivist (in collaboration with Zbyňkem Baladránem)

Real Presence


Progress Report

Possible Instructions for Seeing Oneself

Sometimes it Really Happens But What if it Happens Again…

Notes Regarding a Request for Help

Similarity Visible, Difference Hidden

Untitled (1975–2064)

To be Titled (Second Version)

To be Titled (First Version)